Friday, November 5, 2010

Baby Cakes and life with Boys

My best intentions to make it to faster internest servcie, a.k.a. My hubby's office....have not been put in place. I have succeeded at actually sleeping through the night.....for those who love sleep or miss it, it's a great feat! Let's just say a week spent near my boys room, and I think we are in for a great blessing = sleep.
I get to make the cake for a baby shower tomorrow, baking hopefully it'll freeze in time to be decorated. And some how in there going to make 2 nursing covers, my specialty gift.
Fall has been beyond lovely! And our new home is set amongst so many beautiful trees. We had to have a family photo shoot, it was just too much beauty to not set in photo....(not just my cute family). Thankful for such a wonderful home and getting to stay with my boys each day and watch and teach them as they grow.
I know I've said this before, but I wish I was a twin...such a special bond.
Colby, Kyle and Ryan have been having a blast playing outside (while it's still nice enough), chasing their new barn kitties around. They are more daring than I, who's a scardy cat of cats. Our winter garden is giving us a little bit already. Thankful for all the squash we had, but am glad for a change of veggie. Let's just say I had to learn some recipes for how to use yellow squash, lots of it, every day!
We've done lots of pumpkin patches and hope to make it to Apple Hill this Fall. Missing my Tx family lots, but thankful to FB for pictures. And the joy of getting to take all 3 boys w/out all their help. (Actually, it's a blessing, I did so much w/my family for fun outings, that it's been good to have to be alone and learn how to go to the store, or many all on the same day. Sounds silly to share, but the ability to shop w/little ones is a fine art, or a fine balance!).
Well, just a lovely Fall to enjoy my boys, bake a cake, sew, and LIVE!
Lots of love and would love to hear about your Fall.

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